Poets in the Pond: Least Bittern Books Anthology

Poets in the Pond is a supreme collection of poetry by Mary E. Weems, Prerna Bakshi, Tom Kryss, John Swain, Bree, Tiffany Tavella, Katie Curtz, Paul Corman-Roberts, Joseph M. Farley, Rob Dakin & William Taylor Jr.

These poets voices are what set the bar for poetry being submitted to Least Bit.

A collage portrait of each poet emerging from a pond precedes their work in the book.
It is a 6×9 100-page trade paperback, and will be available on Kindle as well (for 2$).


This is the first Least Bit anthology. Poets who are turned on by the work they find inside are encouraged to send their own best work anytime to leastbitternbooks@gmail.com

order at link above, or send $14 cash/check to Bree 147 Marcus St. #4 Pleasureville, KY 40057

Mary E. Weems Cleveland, OH poet

mary weems aging


Mary E. Weems is a Cleveland, OH poet, play-write and educator, and winner of the 2015 Cleveland Arts Prize Emerging Artist Award for Literature. ‘Aging’ and other of her poems will be in a forthcoming Least Bittern Books anthology (2016).

(illus. by Bree, a Pleasureville, KY poet and artist and the founder of Green Panda Press).